Women's Ministry


Interested in meetups?

Reach out to Sarah Holland to be put on our Group Me so you can be up to date on the gatherings!

All Women

Saturday April 12th (information to come)

July 31- August 3, Camping Trip (information to come)

Wise Women (40+)

Tuesday, February 18th @ 5:30-7pm (if interested email Sarah Holland for the location info) - we will be painting BELIEVE mugs from our ministry partner BELIEVE BIG!


Saturday Afternoon Club (Timnath Area)

  • Leader: Kelly Blackwell

  • 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 1-3pm, Timnath area, beginning Sept 21st

  • Open to all women. We will watch and discuss the Bible Project's latest video series on the Sermon on the Mount. We will also share and pray for each other in a safe, supportive space.

  •  Kellyblackwell1956@gmail.com

Moms of Young Children (2 options)

  • Leader: Becca Miller

  • 1st and 3rd Wednesday mornings @ 9:30am 201 Whedbee (Breakfast & Babysitting provided)

  • 2nd and 4th Wednesday evenings @ 921 E Prospect (No meal or babysitting provided)

  • Family Group that is relational/family style with a book discussion 
